RC Law acted for the shareholders of the Novecento Group in the U.S. in connection with the sale of their restaurants in the Brickell, Midtown and Aventura locations in Miami and the transfer of the “Novecento” brand for the U.S., Mexico and Colombia to the new owners. The transaction was structured as a purchase of the equity interests of several companies making up the Novecento Group in the United States. The purchasers of the Brickell and Aventura locations were represented by Private Advising Group P.A. in Miami and the purchaser of the Midtown location was represented by Shutts & Bowen in Miami. Argentine counsel for the Novecento Group owners (all Argentine nationals) was Cainzos, Fernandez & Premrou. The first transaction was closed in July of 2017 and the second one in March of 2018.